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Call Charlie or Gaynor

01242 895272

About Tribal Tracks

We are award winning, adventure travel experts.  

What's with the name?

We wanted a name that communicated a number of things: groups, adventure, trekking and belonging.

After a LOT of head-scratching, we came up with Tribal Tracks. "Tribe" denotes a group, but also conveys the sense of belonging and long-lasting friendship that people experience on our trips, and that is so important to us. "Tracks" is for adventure, challenge, for boots on the ground, and seeking out the path less travelled.

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Who are you?

Charlie and Gaynor first met in 2015 when their sons played rugby together.  

At the time, Charlie was working in schools overseas expedition management, having previously been an officer in the British Army. Gaynor was a lawyer, working in international commercial litigation. Both Charlie and Gaynor had always dreamed of having their own travel business, but meeting each other gave them the confidence to make that dream a reality.

The History

Charlie and Gaynor registered Tribal Tracks in November 2017.

There was then a period that involved a lot of deep breaths as they took the plunge and left two secure jobs. However, strong in their belief in what they were doing and creating, they built the website, created their logo, and began developing their product.  

The first Tribal Tracks trip was an ascent of Mount Toubkal in Morocco, by supporters of a fantastic cancer charity. You know who you are! This charity remains our client and to this day, we are grateful for the support they gave us in the early days, as we continue to develop new and exciting adventures for them.

As for many, Covid was a severe hit.  March 2020 was due to be our busiest month ever, and we watched in dismay as the world shut down around us.  We hunkered down, cut all unnecessary costs and eventually took out a Government Bounceback Loan, but the lack of support for the travel industry was galling and stressful. We used the time to research and develop new adventures, dreaming of when we could travel again.  A glimmer of hope came in summer of 2020 when we were delighted to win the Soldiering On Awards award for Best New Business.

When the world began to open up, we were so grateful that all of our clients had remained with us, and we began rolling out these delayed trips from September 2021 onwards. We continued to suffer from the 'on the bus, off the bus' nature of Covid-related restrictions for a while, but we also realised that people had emerged from the pandemic with an increased appetite for adventure.  

Fast forward to 2024. We have amazing relationships with many charity clients who use Tribal Tracks adventures as (very successful) fundraising events. We've also seen a surge in women-only groups travelling with us, as well as groups of friends and colleagues with a sense of adventure.

We are excited to see what the future holds.

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Speak to Charlie or Gaynor - Tribal Tracks

Speak to Charlie or Gaynor

Let’s get you on the right track!

Call Charlie or Gaynor

01242 895272